Boy hidey, that was fun! Thanks to your suggestions and some good finds of my very own, I've got some blog recommendations to share~~
- Thanks to SmallFootprints for pointing me to Connie Mishali's blog. She's new to the game but starting out well, holding a 4-book giveaway contest. Small also recommended Eazy Cheezy Brian's place, and like she said, anyone interested in doing a guest post over there is most welcome to apply.
- Janna shared a fun place -- Mind Over Mullis, and I know I'll be going back there. Love the lady's snappy spirited style. Here's a blurb from her 50th birthday post just yesterday: "Some of my friends are slowing down for 50. Not me. I'm hitting the gas and leaving three feet of tire marks and twenty dollars worth of fumes behind me." Thanks for the heads up, Janna.
- I enjoyed stopping by Amy's The Writer's Closet -- "Coming Out One Story at a Time." How 'bout giving her some blog love?
- Thanks to Melissa for suggesting Cake Wrecks. I visited and laughed at some of the more, umm, inventive creations. Pics are priceless! And again, Ms. Marsh, I enjoyed Chickens in the Road -- the blog of author Suzanne McMinn. I'll be going back there in leisure time to scope around. If you love crafty, witty, animal-lovin' writer people, you'll love her blog.
- Ask her anything at The Truth Teller!
- Because I simply love the name: Nanny Goats in Panties.
- t i m's other friend by the same name: Mz. Angie's blog
Note-Fridays are usually dedicated to some family saga hilarity in the form of:
...but due to some technical glitch beyond my control (failure of photos to upload!), a technician has been called in to rectify the problem, and hopefully, Episode 12 - "Not the Momma!" will air Saturday morning. ARGH!
I'll be checking these blogs out as soon as I get done with the ones I'm following.
Well, what did you expect of Friday the Thirteenth?!
'Welcome, Bella. Have I said recently how much I enjoy your blog every day?
Nothing but good, Jinksy!
Thanks for giving me a shout out, Angie. I'm going to check out all the other blogs noted here. Have a good weekend!
Thanks for the links, Angie! I'm a little behind with things here. We had a windstorm that knocked the power out for 18 hours. As soon as I catch up on things I will check out the places!
Yay! Glad you liked Amy. She's a hoot! :)
I so want to visit these folks. More time people! I need more time in the day.
visiting cake wrecks is a morning ritual. it's a guaranteed laugh. i'll have to visit the others soon.
Oh! can't wait to visit!
You're welcome, Amy, and you have a good weekend your own self. :)
Michelle, my sister of the Gray Clan, glad you've got your juice back.
I do, Janna, so thanks for the "lead."
Debbie, go to www.motimedaily.com to increase your daily portion of time. hehe
jill, you're right. I laffed a lot. Will be a morning whistle stop now.
Some of the blogs are real off kilter like us, Kat, so have fun. LOL
Thanks foor the share Angie. Ohh, that Friday the 13th took away my friday funnies!
Thanks for plugging the Truth Teller! : )
I knowwww, kimmi! I was so upset since I'd drawn it already. argh.
Carrie, you're welcome. Thanks for pointing me to her. You know how much I love anything to do with brain-picking, etc.
I went to ever-last one of them there blogs! Had a good time! Thank you~!
Thanks for doing the legwork in finding these. And I haven't heard "Not the mama" for a few years now.
Gotta hate those technical glitches, but I'm glad you found some fun new blogs (some of which are a few of my favs!)
Wow, looks like I've got some new cool blogs to check out! Thanks so much for the shout out, sweetie!
Hope you found a few goodies, Kathryn. :)
You're welcome, 2nd. (Yeah, I'm old and behind the times. That dinosaur show was one of our very favs when the kids were little. Kinda like our own household.)
Colby, yay!
Nanny Goat, you are welcome. Come back soon. :)
Looks like some great links. I'll be checking them out tomorrow morning, while I sip coffee and pray for the kids to play quietly.
Hi Angie! See, I can post to your blog (but only from Internet Explorer)! Thanks for your interpretation of my turtle story. I'm sure my hesitance to move forward is a combination of filial and Lutheran guilt. But I'll get over it! :-) hugs, Joey
Really enjoyed checking out your blog. I'd recommend my daughter's (The Feminarian) but you mentioned humor and it's not usually very funny.
I was wondering if you ever host authors on a blog tour.
Keep up the entertainment!
Gail Smith
Thanks, Grammy. (I tried to answer you via email, but your profile didn't include an email addy.) I'd love a look at your daughter's blog if you could send me a link to it! And, yes, I'm open to hosting authors, as I have quite a few writer friends who drop in here. Come back by or email me!
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