A mother of several small kids struggles to see her way beyond the perpetual pile of dirty diapers and other mom chores she has to perform between waking and sleeping every day. Being the main and stay-at-home parent, most of the odious chores of keeping a decent house and rearing children born close together fill her days. It’s all she can manage most of the time, but she once had dreams of being a writer. Since the father of her children isn't a hands-on kind of guy, and her parents and family support are on the other side of the country, her dreams have been put on hold indefinitely. Many nights she sits in her rocker and cries from sheer exhaustion. Her salvation comes in the form of being transported by good fiction or visionary poetry. Wouldn't you love to be the one whose words make her tired eyes light up?
Who do you write for? Why do you write?
We all get inspiration for tooling our words into pleasing finished pieces from different sources. For me, it's imagining the eyes of someone reading a humorous story, a well-written poem, or a colorful splash of VizPo I’ve crafted. This vision in my head encourages me to keep at it.
When the self-doubts pile up or procrastination threatens to derail me, I picture a receptive set of peepers just waiting to read the words I've strung together. And sometimes that does the trick. But what good is my writing if it stays locked up in an electronic file? It can't serve others or me from that location.
I know I can't be alone in this puzzling dichotomy called the writer's life. Won't you drag out, clean up and send off some of your work today? C'mon...what's the worst that can happen? A little rejection? You're a big boy/girl; it'll just make you stronger and more determined if you receive a No Thanks instead of an acceptance. Maybe you’ll luck out. But you (we) won't know unless we submit.
See that man who just got downsized out of a job he's held for so long, he's almost ready for retirement? Do you know he may be waiting for one more nudge before he'll begin putting thought to paper in the form of wonderful personal essays?
What about that young student over there? She's had a rough year at the university, and could really use your experiences to encourage her to continue on her path.
Just so you know, I recently read a similar post somewhere in the Blogosphere. And, yes, it inspired me to pay it forward, take a chance, express my thoughts on the whys and how-comes of writing. I originally posted it at The Rose & Thorn's Literary ezine's blog under editor tips and tidbits last week. {It's a great place to dig around and find good writing info., so check it out if you get the chance.} And thanks to Ang for the blogging mentor award. 'Preciate you!
Now, who do you write for? Why do you write?
{Graphic from Photobucket.com}
I write because I love it. I guess that's my best answer. At first, rejection was scary, but now I just know it's inevitable that not everyone will love what you write. It's the idea that SOMEONE will that keeps me a moving. Btw, thanks for posting my video!
Yep, makes me happy too to think a few people will read and smile, or think, or be moved, or whatever. Love your vid. Getting lots of good feedback!
You know what drives me to write. The teenagers in my life. Yea, the got a hold on my heart and I do not want to let go. Thank DH for the sausage. Boys heading home this week and it will go away.
Yep, teens are really something else, especially when you can dig through the layers of "gunk" and get close to their hearts. Will tell Deer Hunter y'all enjoyed the venison sausage. :)
I've never written anything before I started my blog. I'm not sure that would really classify as writing either - more like mindless drivel on a page! But, I love the feedback from my readers. Addicting.
I write for several reasons: It makes me happy when I write a fabulous sentence or paragraph, or when a character comes to life for me; I love to see smiles, hear laughs or watch the looks of recognition when others read my work (it's those looks that I try to remember, as you said, when things get tough and I don't feel very motivated or qualified); I like writing in general and enjoy the process of finding the right words and shaping stories just so.
I've been thinking about this same thing lately. During this busy month I've had great ideas and the opportunities to submit some stuff, but just haven't gotten around to getting any of it done. This is a great prompt to take that stuff out, brush it off, touch it up and put a stamp on it.
If I don't write, i turn into a crazy blog of crazy.....
I howl at the three-quarter's moon
I run around the mountain nekkid screaming "KaChow Ka Chow Ka Chaw"
I pull my hair and grimace
There you are!
I write because if I don't the characters won't let me sleep! LOL!<--I laugh out loud, but I'm not kidding. If I don't write it down I'll spend hours tossing and turning until I finally can't take it anymore and at 3/4am I sneak downstairs and type. Yep. It's a sickness really! I do hope that all of this is for a purpose. Since I feel i'm not really writing them myself, but rather channeling them... And of course, i hope this purpose is to do good! LOL!
Because, darn it, if these books don't sell and I find out this has all been some huge joke with the big guy, I'm gonna be ticked. LOL!
Debbie, that's amazing. You've got 101 followers and have only just posted your 100th post!! Congrats and keep at it. Check out Debbie's Suburb Sanity --http://suburbsanity.blogspot.com/
Do it, Ami! And I'm glad you were inspired to send your work around. The New Year's coming. We'll make good resolutions and get busy.
Oh, Kat, I hope you never get deprived of writing time...for the sake of your neighbors if nothing else. :)
Giddy, if your books are anything like you or your blogging style, you'll do great! Is there book info on your site??
I write because the feeling I get when I find the right words doesn't come by any other means. And I love the idea of touching a reader, of making a difference (even if teeny, just the very second they read my work) in their day.
Great picture up there!
Angie, the first thought that came to mind; I write for myself, then the second; I write for myself. Yes, yes, I think I do. :D
I agree with kimmirich. I mainly write for myself. I love humor, and I love not knowing what's going to happen next. That's half the fun - seeing what happens next. I love and trust the creative process. I don't over analyze, I just write. And, of course, there's nothing better than watching someone read what you've written and hearing them laugh out loud!
I write because even the voices in my head get bored with talking to me. So I need something to do with my time. ;)
Seriously, I guess it is the same reason I work on my sketches. It's not like I'm coming up with a drawing or a story. Both are already there on the blank paper. All I am doing is shading in the lines so that everyone else can see it.
Angie, you are very welcome for the award and very deserving.
I write because that is who I am. I write for me, my family, and everyone out in this big ole world. There is nothing like the feeling I get when someone reads my work and "gets it". I was scared to death when I published my first book. What would my family think? What would people say? But I received great feedback from those who I thought wouldn't understand the material. My sister-in-law told me she cried and she laughed. My Aunt was the shock factor of my new reading audience: she nailed the overall concept of the book perfectly. My writing is not perfect and I am still learning the craft, but I couldn't imagine myself not writing. Even if a person is never published they still leave behind "something" of themselves for future generations of family and that is a very comforting feeling for me.
I read this before, and I love, love, love it.
I write to tell stories and I write to connect. When they overlap and intertwine, it's magic.
Hey Angie, great post! I write because my imagination forces me to. It builds and builds in my head, visually, like a story, and if I don't get it down on paper soon, I know I'll regret it forever. And to be able to touch someone emotionally, to pull them into a world not like their own, to make them forget about their personal problems, their life, their responsibilities - - that is my goal. That is why I write, to one day be a master illusionist in literary form. To pull someone so far into my world their heart hurts just a little when the story is finished and they have to leave.
So true, Janna. And thanks. I love hunting out good graphics & pictures.
Good answer, Kimmi. :)
Debra, I feel the same. To hear someone laugh loudly is just like golden music to my ear. Thanks for stopping in. I'm glad I found your blog.
Michelle, you get strong inner direction. What a great feeling. And to be talented and creative in more than one area. Wow.
Ang, I guess you're right about that good feeling you get from knowing you've left a piece of history behind...even if it's fiction! :)
Write on and ditto, Amy.
Christa, thanks for dropping by! You've stated so well what a lot of us feel about writing. Thanks for sharing.
Laughing -- and I meant BLOB not BLOG -- haw!
but sometimes they overlap...
oh, it's dark outside - the mountains are almost suggestions and for a mountain to be a suggestion is quite a feat - it's a darker than dark dark for a mountain to suggest itself
Well, good morning on the dark mountains, you shape shifter, Kat. :)
YOu wind my award for a very motivating ispiring post!! YAY!!! Loved it --now to comment on your dentist trip--UGH. I'm there with you. HATE THEM ALL especially the ones down here. I hope yours is a good one today--praying right now!
Double thanks, Terri. I DO have a good one now. Hope he never retires! (He mixes lydocaine, septocaine and some other something together that gives me a little window of numbness.)
Angie - What a great, inspiring post! I don't know why I missed it yesterday.
What inspires me to write? Lots of things, I suppose. I want to share my thoughts with the world, to somehow make an impact on someone's life - even if it is just ONE person. That's my main inspiration, I think. :-)
Ditto for me, Melissa. Love your new photo ID.
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