An exciting announcement today at Gumbo Writer's place! Friend and fellow co-managing editor at The Rose & Thorn Literary e-zine, Kathryn Magendie's novel is going to be published! I couldn't be more excited if it was my own book about to make its debut. How's that for some good Christmas news?
Kat has worked long and hard on her women's fiction manuscript, and it is full of wonderful, full-bodied characters, lyrical language and plot conflicts. The book's working title is From a Mountain Rising, and as a lucky beta reader, I am a proud "godmother" of her literary baby. Kat's writing-editing-shopping-to-publication is good news for all us writers. That she has a Spring 2009 release date gives us all hope. It's also an important reminder not to discount small and indie presses. Click here to see what Publishers Marketplace has to say about her book.
Since she's a most generous person and loves all things about the writing process, maybe she'll be so kind as to answer any reader questions you leave in comments when she gets the chance. And here's her personal site/blog if you haven't visited yet ~~ Kat's place.
One more thing: WooooooHoooooooo and Ah-woooooo (wolf howl)!!!
Congrats to the Kat lady. Hope it sells like hot cakes.
WOW! That is awesome news! How exciting for your friend! And it's almost here! Wow! I'm so jealous and wildly happy at the same time! It is VERY good news!
Oren & Giddy, she deserves this in such a big way! I'm grinning. :)
Now I 'm grinning *laughing* At first I was blushing - it's still hard to feel as if it's all real.
And Angie is the reason that novel happened in the first place -- she looked at me, in the old B&N Writer's Group, and said, "this is your novel...you need to write this....write it...get busy....GO..."
I had no idea it was to be my novel until she said that -- I'd never thought to write a novel - ever. The next day all these words poured out -- and all because of Angie's support and her "foresight" to see something I couldn't see.
She also helped me with something else, if she doesn't know -- the first version was a different voice - and it didn't feel right -- Angie made a comment in that same writer's group and a BIG ARSE LIGHTBULB went off in my head -- Vk's voice began to shine through brighter and brighter and I knew then it was "Right...and Good...and True..."
Thank you Angie.
What Angie won't say is how beautiful a writer she is -- how her novels to be will stab the very heart-soul of all women -- I can't wait for her books to be DONE so they will be snapped up...
Kat, glad them old days at the B&N writing group were good for something! :) And all those kinds words....gosh! Hugs and WRITE ON!
Writerly love. I feel all warm and fuzzy inside whenever I read this blog.
Congratulations again, Kat. Well deserved!
Congrats, Kat! Awesome!
Angie--can't wait to see your writing too!!
hugs and merry!
What a wonderful Christmas gift! Congrats to Kat!
And MERRY CHRISTMAS to you, Ang!
What wonderful Christmas news! Hopefully the new year will bring even more! Merry Christmas!
I'm smiling - thank you all -or as we say "Y'all" pronounded "yawwwllll" -- or here in WNC - You'uns...
Thank you, Michelle. I hope the welcome mat atmosphere lends people a nice place to land. :)
Kimmi...talk about can't wait! I've had your book on order at Amazon for awhile now. Can you stand the excitement?! We're just a bunch of writers on the cusp! Yay.
Thank you, Melissa. Same to you and the darling kidlet. (Lovely mail arrived. 'Preciate it.)
Colby, you and the critters have a merry merry. *Still laughing at your "momotard" post.*
Hey, Kat! Is it real yet???
That's awesome! Super congrat, Kathryn!
That is great news. Encouragement for everyone.
Congrats to your chum! And have a lovely holiday, Angie. :)
Congratulations! :-)
That's fantastic! Congrats to her.
Thank you, Angie. Got the mac ' n cheese done and it's now resting! : D crosses.
The merriest of days, my friend!
Hey, Janna, and you're so right, Debbie!
Very same to you, Lori.
Hi, Eric & Wendy. Happy Christmas to both.
Hope it's good, Kimmi! Got me a big honkin' pan too, ready to bring to the family gathering shortly. Christmas hugs.
Many congratulations.
I'm in awe of anyone who can write a book, and even more so if they actually have it published! Way to go!
Have a great Christmas/Hannukah/Qwanzaa everyone... and happy writings in 2009!
And Happy Snappin' to you, Shammickite!
Thanks to all of you!! :-) I'm still a bit stunned, but thinking it's all real now! *laugh*
And Angie - I see someone here has a book out? I need to go check that out! :)
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