Yep, it's that day of the week when we all take a break from sanity and enjoy a little craziness in the form of some family "drawerings."
So, get a cup of your favorite beverage, put the dogs out and occupy the kids. It's your time to snuggle in for some pre-Christmas viewing pleasure. *And some Christmas muzak piped in just for you*
Wahooo! You're soo awesome! I love this! I LOVE to throw a fit when my kids are crying! LOL! It freaks them out! Eventually, they'll have kids of their own and remember all your secrets.. Muhahah!
Ahhh, brings back wonderful memories. I "amen" Jenni's reply. My daughter had a son of her own and she now has apologized for EVERYTHING she ever put me through as a child...I'm luvin' it...heehee.
HOWL!!! I would have joined you, dear.
If only I'd known to do that years ago, my daughter wouldn't be the mall wench she is! LOL
For not being an "artist," you do so well with these awesome drawerings. So great! LOL
Very funny story, and a wonderfully creative way of telling it.
I was an only child, so my folks got off easy in some ways. To paraphrase Bill Cosby "If you only have one kid, things are much easier. If something's broken in the house, you know who did it." (truer words have never been spoken. I couldn't get away with anything!...)
Not that I'm saying it's easy to raise just one child. Looking back at some of the stuff I pulled, I can understand why I was an only child.
My Dad remarried, so now I have a half and step sister. The stories I hear him tell are nothing like what I remember.
My Mom has been hinting for the last couple of years that she would love to be a Grandmother (and by hinting, I mean flat out saying.) Sometimes, I wonder if it's because she would like to see them act up and quietly laugh to herself remembering all the things I did.
I have a lot of respect for mothers especially at this time of year.
And I'm totally going to try and use the word "kidlets" at least once today.
Tsk tsk...don't you know you are supposed to be a perfect mother at all times? Overflowing with patience and adoration for your offspring?
(Yeah right!)
Love how the whole family appreciates alliteration!
I LOVE IT! And for the record, you're extremely brave to take that many kids to a crowded mall! I would have had a major meltdown, too.
As the mother of six, I can sooooo relate to this!!!!!!!!!!!
Good job with the illustrations. I love them.
LMAO At those freaking crazy hats. The dad hunting sounds like MY daddy. LOL
I never heard of the "Big Arse" toy store before. Wish I had something like that at my mall. LOL!
Oh, I've been meaning to say this back when I first started reading your "LL" posts. That doo-rag ROCKS!
OMG! My oldest threw her one and only tantrum at the grocery store checkout. I stepped over her and proceeded to pay. I thought the guy behind me was going to pop a vein but the mothers... they all knew. I guess they know all over the country. Well, us SMART ones anyway!
Giddy, I'm a firm believer in shock therapy. They got to see for themselves how I felt. heheeeeee
I hope I have enough brain cells left to enjoy my own kids' "understanding" and thanks one day, Ang.
Lori, it's never too late! In fact, a hissy pouty fit "thrown" at your teenager in the mall might just do the trick. :)
Thanks, Janna. I have templates for the family members (boy and girl ones) and removable cardboard head gear, so I don't have to keep re-drawing. hehe
Eric, I think I love you. LOL. And, yeah, your momma wants grandkids NOW so she can get some revenge on her only child. And thanks for realizing the beauty of "kidlets." It's like a combo of kids (as in baby goats) and cutlets (something you can fry up in a pan). :) Oh, and thanks for visiting!
Oh, Wendy, but I AM overflowing. These were planned events...not spontaneous. (yeah, right!) Sometimes being the mom and main parent 90% of the time for 3 kidlets born within 36 months...well, something had to give. (And it weren't gonna be me!)
Yeah, Carrie. And I think I spelled it wrong again. hehe. Queenie and Court Jester do love language fun. Fresh Prince, not so much. :)
Melissa, it was necessity, not druthers. Even "funner" juggling them all alone at church every Sunday. But we've survived this long.
SIX, Barbara? You deserve an award. I hope you had an involved Dad at home. Hugs for being a great Mom.
Tiffany, my condolences. hehe
Michelle, I'm so surprised you have no B.A.T. store in your location. Lemme know if you need me to order something and ship it for you. LOL. And thanks for the do-rag compliment. It suits me, doesn't it? :)
Amen and kudos for the grocery tantrum, Sistuh Jane! Yep, moms know.
I've been in "Big Arse Toy Store." It was an entirely appropriate reaction. Hooray for Castle Wench!
I can remember when my mom had a Ford Aerostar...gotta love it.
LOL, Suldog. And don't ya hate the way the B.A.T. store parades out all the flying airplanes, choppers, yapping dawgs on the leash, and all those other toys right into the corridor so your young 'uns will drive you even further insane?! (Loved your snow story today. hehe)
Yeah, but Colby, did she leave the big sliding door open while she drove so she could slam on the breaks and make it come flying back with a bang...just to entertain you? :)
One small step for Queenie, one giant leap for melting down mothers!
One response says we would laugh to ourselves when payback started. Ha, we laugh out loud now when it happens. The kids remember all the monumental events in their life. This was one for the record books.
Too funny! I love your art work and this particular style of story telling.
LOL, Marilyn. It was a great experience for all. haha
Thanks, Oren. I bet Mrs. C never had such a public fit. :)
Why, thanky, Deb!
LAUGHING!!! I can just picture that, Angie -- haw!!! :)
I have mine in private. Just ask the boys what happens when Dad loses it.
It made quite an impression.
You are really good with these! Funny and clever.
lol, lol! Soo you never had to take them to the mall again, yippi?!! Lol, the drawings are too cute and WOW< those babes were close in age... Really the love the GREAT White hunter scene, too typical and can relate. : D
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