It does make sense, though, because I have characteristics that fit with both hemispheres' notable functionings -- I'm creative, but also analytical. I'm organized about some things, and a terrible stack-and-pile-maker in others. I'm really bad at math, but sometimes I can come up with a complicated equation's answer, but not be able to explain how I got it. So, tell me, blog buds, what's it all mean?
While both sides of the brain reason, it is done by very different strategies. The left side o' the gray matter is considered to use the good worker bee analytical sort of functioning, and the right is called "holistic" or "global." Lefty likes to learn new things in a step-by-step progression. Righty is a "simultaneous processor," starting with a general concept, then ratcheting up with specifics.
Depending on our brain's dominant side, our learning styles, established patterns and ways of responding to experiences can be totally different.
So, are you more analytical or intuitive? Or like me, pretty equal on both sides of the cranium? Here's a few nifty tests to find out, if you have some time to waste on a Monday:
Pretty interesting stuff. And it might come in handy the next time you're crafting a story or novel character.
After you've discovered something new about yourself, get out there and have a good week! Oh, and let me know if you're a Lefty or a Righty.
Right brain, but I had to fudge on the math questions, because I can't remember the last time I did ANY math, besides the check book variety.
Can't figure out which side is which. These type tests scare me. Will try again late after all brain cylinders start firing.
Ohh, I love taking tests, too -- am going to come back and take this one and then tell you the results, but, I can bet already I am the whirly-whorled brain that isn't analytic at all - and see I already forgot if it's left or right -- my brain is the weirdest thing ....a synaptic NightMare!
okay, will be back - I have an appt this morning....
Tut, I understand about the math. I haven't balanced the checkbook in years since I can keep up with it online.
I didn't attempt without having lots of coffee, Oren.
Kathryn, I can't remember which side of the brain does what either. That's why I'm gonna try to memorize that graphic. :)
OK I took the second test and I am so left sided it is scary!! Where's my sense of adventure! Where's my risk taking side!!!
Love these kinds of tests. Aannddd the results are in:
First test: 8 questions Right and 10 question Left
Second test: 74% Left Brain
I guess I never really thought of it that way, but looking back, I am not an adventurous person. Every now and then maybe, but I like routine. Very interesting.
An interesting thought I've always had concerning this stuff is that, as a guitarist, I believe I've re-trained myself to be more right-brained. That is, by training my left hand to do more complicated motions than it would otherwise have done, I've opened more of my right brain. Just a pet theory, and I wonder if the opposite might hold true for left-handed guitarists, etc.?
Terri, you've got to be partially right brained, otherwise you couldn't be an imaginative writer!
Ang, I had mixed results too. And I took 4 similar tests. The majority said I was pretty evenly divided. LOL. Get a creative hobby and I bet your right brain will expand in flights of fantasy and whimsy. :) Thanks for visiting. I'll be by your place next.
Good point, Sul. And I think your "creative" right side must be highly developed if you're musically talented, because I KNOW you can write from visiting your blog. Loving the jury duty saga!
Ok, on the second test I was more left-brained, which cracked me up. But I really think that I'm like you - about equal. My dad is very left-brained - analytical, very smart with numbers and science, etc., and my mother is just the opposite - she is very creative and much more impulsive. I've always thought I've been a mixture of the two. :-)
Welcome to the club, Melissa!
Well the first test had me as a rightie and the second one a leftie. I can feel my remaining brain cells firing neurons at one another, fighting for dominance. It's not pretty.
LOL, Hilary! The battle for dominance may not always be pretty, but it sure as heck isn't boring. We get to see all the sides of an equation before making a decision or coming up with a solution. I wonder if that's why I enjoyed being a private investigator so much? :)
I'm only slightly more left- than right-brained so that explains why I can't seem to accomplish much - too much cerebral infighting.
I over-analyze everything!
Okay, so on the first test I was by far right-brain dominant, on the second I was only slightly more left-brain than right-brain. Not sure what that means other than, at the very least, I'm confusiated.
I love the illustration. I wish I had thought to do it.
I'm thinking that my thought process comes from that dark valley between the two halfs.
Hear ya, Jane. Same problem here. But ain't it interesting? :) And I'm glad you stopped by.
Amy, by whatever method you think, some good stuff comes out the funnel.
embee, I wondered at the mixed results from my own tests, so in typical fashion, I took more so I could get a tally.
LOL, Rick. PS Love love love your awesome illustrations!
ACK! The thought of doing math is giving me the need to run...away....fast!
Now, Colby, I do NOT do math. All the questions are very simple True or False type!
I'm split down the middle, slightly favoring the left brain.
Neither side. Now what does that mean?
i love the brain!
we talk about right brain/left brain dominance in my study strategies classes. and actually, when you come out pretty even on both sides, it just means you are a more flexible learner -- you can adapt. it's a good thing. congratulations! :)
Wendy & Debbie, see Patresa's explanation. Makes sense to me. Writers and creatives must have a little of the left and the right. :)
Thanks, Patresa!
What? Ms. B has two different kinds of brains? Ms. B1tch is amazed! Well, Ms. B thinks her brain sees all in shades of food!
One part of brain is sweet, one sour, one bitter, one creamy, one al dente, one beschemel; Ms. B's brain detects flavor, and color...her brain is spice and good wine ...but also, Ms. B's brain detects the People who she will be in contact with....
Oh what will the test say about Ms. B!
You responded as a right brained person to 15 questions, and you responded as a left brained person to 3questions
Okay, that's the first test and of course I'm going "what 2nd test" *sighgghhhh* Oh wait - I see, up there...yes...be right back!
Right Brain 60%
Left Brain 48%
and there is the second test! I guess I'm pretty right brained.
Ms. B., hope your test told ya whatever you wanted to know!
Kathryn, yep, you've got a big whopping creative side. Don't care much for structure and conventional routes. :)
How'd you know I was looking for a great distraction? Took both tests, 100% lefty on the first one, 64% lefty on the second one. My husband would be a righty. Say no more.
I have taken many of these and love them. I am left brained person who wishes she were right brained. I also admire those like you who have equal parts of both. I am left brain to the extreme and really started blogging to develop more of my right side...creating the design, writing...but no surprise I love the html codes and changing the fonts etc...so to the left!!! And this is sad, I have charted the blogs I read so that I can be equal in commenting to all! Yikes! sick sick sick!
Any math, I run afar -- very afar!! :D
YAY! I'm right brained and proud of it! LOL! Though, I do have to have some lefty tendencies, since I NEVER had a problem whipping up reports or English essays.. which they say if lefty. My favorite LOL moment was when I was reading the diff between R & L directions. HAHA! I'm so the drive past the church till you come to a walmart person! All while pointing! heheheh!
Angie ~ I'm so confused and may be in need of professional help, after these two tests indicated 1.)right-brained and 2.)70% left ... I'm afraid to retake either test, as I may find still more personalities lurking within this aging garden writer. This is my motto, from now on, based on my crunching of the above data ~ "Sometimes you feel like a nut, sometimes you don't!" /Deb
Carrie, all busy mommy writers need a few good distractions. You and hubby are the "opposites attract" couple? Between you, you can cover all the bases.
AVT, it's good to be organized. I could use a little more of it...but HTML coding? Noooooo. Too much like math! Love your site.
Kimmi, I don't do maff either! eww
I'm partial to landmarks vs. technical directions myself, Giddy. Nuttin wrong with that. :)
Deb, ya made me laugh. You're probably a lefty righty too! Hmmm, wonder why I'm wishing for an Almond Joy?
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