Men friends (and you know you'd never ever qualify to be nominated for the dubious contest below), please forgive me, but these are just too good to keep to myself. [Drum roll, please!]...
It's time for the Annual Gentlemen of the Year Awards! For 2008, the nominees are:
A. Camper Man: 

B. Gently Down the Stream:
C. Heavy Load:
D. Sticks & Stones:

F. Equality:

I know it's tough, but who gets your vote?
oh my gosh! Are these for real? Holy cow! I'm sooo much more fiestier than any of these women! LOL! Seriously, I would be kickin me soem manbutt! LOL! erm... they are all pretty bad... I'm gonna go with the MOST gentleman as the tracker cage lifty thingy and the worst...Grandma carrying all the beer and son a sixpack... but it was a tough call.
I think "Heavy Load" is probably the worst of all, but it's difficult to decide!
I'm all for strong women and it's really hard to see women get themselves into these situations.
Also, I believe women should support and encourage other women whenever they can.
I forgot to say that "Need A Lift?" gets my vote for Gentleman of the Year. lol.
Thanks for the laugh. I vote for camper man.
I think "Camper Man" gets my vote ... all cuddled up with his ... bicycle??
Thanks for the grins & giggles!
Small Footprints
OK...I've seen all of these before from emails at work. I vote goes to "Camper Man". This picture reminds me of my husband and sons on our camping trips...ha ha. No really, I could see them doing this to me.
BTW ... it sounds like you enjoyed your NC vacation. I'm glad! Hope you'll be in the area again soon!
Where did you find those?? Definitely the dude in the tent. I want to smack him!
I gotta vote for D since my slightly dsylexic mind read "Sticks and Stones" as "Dicks and Stones" which is, of course, even funnier.
F for sure. The play on the word equality is very tongue-in-cheek. God knows I've been this woman a time or two.
Wowie! I'd like to think those are staged...
I like the canoe one best!
The thing I can't figure out is how these woman got themselves in these predicaments...LOL...I think the worst is The Camper....he's pretty young to have such lousy manners! These have to be staged! Good one. Maria
Guess I should step in and take my lumps. I can't vote for anyone of these. I like to keep what I have.
Go ahead PW, let er rip.
Thanks for the votes and comments, gang. And Oren, you know you could never compete in this particular contest. Too much a Southern gentleman!
Small, the next time I fly into Asheville, maybe we can grab a cup of coffee. That'd be great.
Debbie, your lysdexia can be dangerous. LOL
Definitely Camper Man. The bike? Really? THE BIKE???
ha ha ha ha ha!
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