It's Thursday, therefore it's time to open the floor to questions, thoughts, whatever. Since this is a new topic for me, I'm going to solicit help from my blogging friends to get started.
Send me ideas...wait, scratch that. Please leave comments on what you consider your best blog post ever. What was it about? What sort of reader reaction did you get? Did that post lead to bigger, better things for you? Know up front that I may be "borrowing" your best ever ideas in the future, and if I can figure out how, I'll link back to your original post. C'mon, help a blogger out! *smile*
Hmm. I find, and was surprised to see this, that Going Green, with the picture of the green field/pond, was my most popular yet. You just don't know what will strike a chord, but it's fun finding out!
Sure is, and interesting too. I remember your green post and how beautiful it was on your blog.
That's tough; I don't know which post has been most popular. I've been doing Tuesday's Stuff and Things for about a month now, and that gets a lot of readers (according to Statcounter), but posts focused on the craft of writing get a lot of response. Hmm...
If I go according to the number of comments, then my recent post ...the rest of the story, seems to be the one as it is about how I became a writer. It seems most people enjoy reading about the real stuff both ups and downs about writing.
I need to add your link to my site!
Thanks, Janna! I might do an interview of other writers and see what that does.
Terri, I agree. The "behind the scenes" real life stuff is what I like to read too. Enquiring minds.....
Ooh! You did it! Like the new background. ;)
Thanks, Janna! (See...I followed a good tip from a fellow blogger.) ;)
Can you see the "What's Cooking?" outer edge? I have to maximize on my screen to see it. grr
story ideas?
5 priests. One rectory. 1990's Catholic Church. And make the devout, holy priest gay.
I'll leave that plot to you, Maria. ;)
Herm, I'm not sure what my favorite post is, but I like one where I first described what I would do with a tail if I had one. I don't know if you want to borrow that one or not, lol
Wow, Angelina....LOVE WHAT YOU'VE DONE WITH THE PLACE!!! It is so you! I don't have any "tips" for you since I am a virgin blogger. At least I get to wear white somewhere...big sigh! Wait...my blog is black...bigger sigh! Well, it's slimming...hahaha. Unlike colbymarshall, I DO HAVE A TAIL and DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO WITH IT! Enjoy the rest of your day. Hugs, The Paper Whisperer
LOL, Colby! A tail, hunh? I bet that was a hoot.
PW: go update your blog so I can come leave a witty comment. And thanks for yours, you old cougar. ;)
Angie ~ A poetic essay of 3/20/08, which I posted on my 'Waltzes with Words' blog, which received several delightful comments and remains one of my personal favorites. It's entitled "The Three Disciplines of Writing."
Yours is an interesting, sort of eclectic place to visit and ruminate upon the writing process, among other things... very comfortable.
I thank you for your recent visits to my blogs... Deb
Deb, I'll have to swing by your Waltzes blog! Trying to also remember to become a "follower" of my favorites and/or to list them under Rockin' Blogs. So much to keep up with. LOL
Thanks for the kinds words and I'll definitely hunt up your post on writing. Glad you like my place. It's a mixed bag for sure...just like me!
The best post that has come out of my computer is one that is spelled correctly and makes some type of sense. Other times it comes out reading like a bridge collapse. The new digs look great.
Love the new look! Very cute.
Let's see...gosh, I'm not sure what my best post has been. As far as generating comments goes (ones from lurkers, especially), I did one on the quote, "God didn't give you the desire without the talent." Not sure when I did that, exactly (I'll have to go look in my archives), but it sure did solicit an interesting discussion.
shoot - don't know. It's mixed: some people like that I'm writing a novel draft to blog and are enjoying Clementine's story; some like it when I go all Zen and talk about the mountain, or about mountain life; some liked it when I used to take the dogs for mountain walks and talk about what I'd discovered (sure miss that - been a while)....
But, I'd love some Loo-see-anner news, since I livered (haw! I wrote livered! hawhaw!) lived there so long and have been gone four years now....the food, people, LSU happenings, etc...but that's selfish of me ...teeheehee
Thanks much, Oren. I bet you could write posts as well as you do everything else!
Melissa, that does sound like a good response generating idea for a blog post. Thanks for sharing.
KM, You'll be getting plenty Loozeeanner stuff served up by your gumbo writer friend, never you fear. And I dearly LOVE your unedited writing of the Clemmie story right on your blog. Psst: Y'all drop by Kathryn's blog if you want to see the inner workings of the crazy writer's mind in progress. ;)
My most popular post within people who read me is my beaver trapping post: http://www.junecleavernirvana.com/2008/05/in-these-here-parts-holly-is-known-as.html
But the post that has the most hits due to stumbleupon is this silliness: http://www.junecleavernirvana.com/2008/07/mr-potatocroc.html
What a fun question.
Ooo, *clap clap*, I've got some more good readin' material to explore. Hey, that's almost poetical. *snirk* Thanks, Holly!
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