...which one would you be? Yeah, I'm got an envie (craving) for a scoop or eight of pistachio almond, so the closest I can get to it is this blog post.
So, what's your favorite?
And are you a cone biter or a restrained eater? :)
*Photo from Photobucket.com
With the kiddos in town, you have a built in excuse to scratch that itch. Hope the visit is going good.
Rum Raisin in a waffle cone! So yummy! Now that I've read this post at 7 AM, I'm going to have to jump in the car and go get some for breakfast! LOL!
Rum Raisin is my favorite too. But I can settle anytime for plain old chocolate. If you make it really dark.
We play this game in our family, if you were a food would best describe you (not which one is your favorite).
But ice cream? Hmmm, never thought about that one but I'd have to say that while my current favorite is chocolate walnut I'd best be described as strawberry cream - a little fruity but still a classic.
Mint Chocolate chip! My fave and almost the only kind I eat. LOL
So what is a cone biter? I'd have to say I'm a pint eater. *grin*
First - definitely a cone biter.
Now, in order of appearance - Ben & Jerry's Chocolate Therapy, then I love Mint Chocolate Chip, but the best of the best is plain old vanilla ice cream coated in chocolate syrup. YUM. I'm going to Ben & Jerry's for lunch today! Thanks a lot, Angie! There went my pre-vacation diet. : )
Oren, so true! On the way home from my Mom's this afternoon, I'm picking up a carton of Kleinpeter's new Ponchatoula Strawberry. mmm
Ice cream's a good breakfast, Donna. (Waffles, milk, eggs...) :)
Lori, I've never had rum raisin. Guess I'll have to try it soon with two of y'all loving it.
LOL on your fruity/classic description, Sharon. :)
Jessica, you know -- us who can't resist biting the bottom of the cone off and sucking the ice cream through the bottom. *grin*
Blow it out, Scott. Start that vacay a little early! I wonder what Freud would say about us cone-biters??
Yes, I'm a cone biter (sounds like an interesting story title.) Flavor = Maple Walnut.
~ Wendy
Love sugar cones, and love chocolate with chocolate chips, mint chocolate chip, vanilla with chocolate swirled through (are you starting to see a common thread here?) Yup, I LOVE chocolate!
That would make a good title, Wendy. :)
Schube...can you say choco-holic?
I never ever ever bite my ice cream. Ugh. When I could eat chocolate--that was my fav--now it's vanilla and if I could--I would lather it with chocolate syrup and whipped cream!
Ben & Jerry's Dublin Mudslide.
Ohhh some cherry chip sounds great. I restrain when it comes to the cone. I have a very scientific method to eating ice cream. Lick (never bite...sensitive teeth) it until it's flat across the cone and then eat a little cone with eat bit of ice cream left (very carefully...those sensitive teeth remember). And there HAS to be ice cream all the way to the bottom of the cone. YUMMY! I'm ready for some ice cream!
I love one scoop of maple walnut and one scoop of mint chocolate chip in a waffle cone. And I only bite the cone to get at the ice cream below the edge once I've licked it down to that point. :)
Thanks for voting on my glasses, by the way.
Terri, really? You've never once bitten the point of the cone off? You must try it. :)
That sounds di-vine, Becca!
Ang, you've got your ice cream eating down to a science. Go get ya some!
LOL, Ami. You've got rules too. (Loved your glasses choices.) :)
Ben & Jerry's Coffee Heath Bar Crunch!
I'm nearly thirty years old, and my favorite flavor is bubble gum. My husband never lets me live it down. ;) And I'm definitely a cone biter.
Raspberry chocolate truffle! And I savor the stuff. Ymmm...
Ooo, Carrie, that sounds beyond delicious.
B.J., I like bubble gum flavor too. I remember the first time I had it at Baskin Robins. Welcome to the Cone Biter Club. :)
Lick cones, munch choc-ices, slurp spoons - anyway is great, but vanilla wins every time.
Rodell, yummmmmmmm. Chocolate and raspberry -- my favorite sweet flavor combo. *Drool*
Vanilla, jinksy? I'd have never pegged you for such an ordinary flavor. :)
I love caramel pecan. Nutty, sweet, delish. I can't bite ice cream, hurts my teeth.
I'm big into cookies 'n cream! YUM. And I don't like cones - a heaping bowl of the stuff will do!
oh Ang...That's my favorite too! Used to P&A was only at Baskin Robbins, now I get the Blue Bell version. Next to it, I'm Butter Pecan!
xoxo :D
You need to be sitting down when you eat this. Oh, any flavor as long as it says ice cream.
There's no such thing as bad ice cream but my two absolute favorites are Ben and Jerry's Chunky Monkey and also the Dreyer's (or is it Breyers? One of those companies should change names) Apple Pie Ice Cream. Oh, and peach. And strawberry. And cherry vanilla. And cookie dough. And rocky road.
Eating the cone, definitely.
And if I were a flavor, I'd be something that's very sweet, but mostly nuts.
I used to work at Baskin Robbins when I was in high school so ice cream was a big deal. I think my favorite is chocolate chip cookie dough. Or honey vanilla.
My favorite combination is coffee ice cream with toffee bits and caramel swirls. We have Coldstone Creamery up here in Indiana and it's a fav with our family. Yup, I'm a cone biter too. Waffle cones are my favorite! Happy ice cream dreaming!
Definitely mint chocolate chip. And, yes, I am a cone biter. In fact, I actually enjoy the cone more than the ice cream!
Peppermint Stick for a cone (with Jimmies, of course), but Oreo Cookie for a sundae.
Elana, carmel pecan sounds good too. (and I don't bite the ice cream, just the tip off the cone.) :)
I like it in cone or bowl or cup or box or whatever, Melissa. LOL
Carol, I love BlueBell, and our local Kleinpeter's too. mmmmmm
Oren, there ya go, just get some of all of it!
My mouth's watering now, Chris! You're definitely Chunky Monkey/Rocky Road. :)
Rene, I never had honey vanilla. Sounds good.
We have a couple of CC's here too, Stacy. And Baskins Robbin's, and several others. Ice cream heaven! Here's to cone-chompin' soon!
LazyWriter, I lurve the cones too...but I can eat ice cream straight out of the carton if necessary. :)
Peppermint Stick, Suldawg? YUM! I've crunched up Andes Mints into vanilla before. My Mom's favorite treat used to be Sonic Oreo Blast.
In PA there was an ice cream parlor known as Maggie Moos and they had my all time favorite flavor of ice cream...marshmellow! Oh that was some yummy stuff! I'd say my next favorite flavor would be Ben and Jerry's Peanut Butter cup and then would be Blue Bells Pecan Pralines and caramel.
As for cones...I always lap up all the ice cream on top and nibble my way down to the next layer of ice cream...rinse and repeat!
I head down to the local Dairy Queen for a Peanut Buster Parfait. It's nutty and chocolaty just like me. If I do partake in a cone, it has to be a sugar cone, because it's so yummy. The ice cream flavor varies with my mood. Usually something with chocolate or strawberries or well anything really. I lick it down to the cone, and nibble around and lick some more, and nibble and...
...jeesh...now you've done it. I want ice cream. :(
Which one would I be? Raspberry ripple, I think. Which one do I crave? Oh, dear. Pralines and cream. Or something with chocolate fudge and nuts.Or both. As long as they're hard ice cream. I have no use for soft ice cream - or for those cones that taste like cereal boxes. If I can't have a sugar cone, I'd rather eat my ice cream with a spoon. But if I can have a sugar cone, I agree with Anita - lick the ice cream, nibble the cone - and at the first sign of a leak from the pointy end, bite it off and suck the ice cream out.
LOL, Anita. Ice cream cone connoiseur (did I spell that right?) for sure.
Carmen & Sandra Leigh, we have real similar tastes! I'd go to the ice cream parlor with y'all anytime! :)
Pistachio or Butter Brickle. Mmm.
Leon's Custard in Milwaukee, WI is the best.
Lola, just the name Butter Brickle makes my mouth water!
I'd say I'm a scoop of boysenberry ripple running through French vanilla. Deep colours and hidden swirls, sweet and tart at the same time.
Blue Bell Homemade Vanilla. Nothing else comes close to it! I bite the cone when the ice cream gets level with the top of it, then and only then.
OMG! Last night we ate Creole Cream Cheese ice cream with this blueberry sauce I made -- GMR brought back the ice cream from BR since they don't make it here -- I LOVE THAT FLAVOR!
I level off the ice cream and nibble at the edges, ice cream, nibble, ice cream nibble --etc!
Barb, you've got an interesting personality! :)
Blue Bell is dangerous, isn't it, DellGirl?
Kat, that sounds sooooo good!! Glad you got a little taste of "home." :)
Ben & Jerry's Heath Bar Crunch - one whole pint at a time - never mind the cone. If I have to have a cone, then Tillamook Cookies and Cream with a fresh waffle cone that I save until last. I'm hungry now. Dang!
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