Wednesdays are dedicated to posts related to the craft of writing, so for your viewing enjoyment today, more quotes from the fabulous book pictured over there to the right:
Chapter 4 -- Time and Place
- "How does your setting make people feel? That is the key, not how a place looks but its psychological effect on the characters..."
- "You can deepen the psychology of place in your story by returning to a previously established setting and showing how your character's perception of it has changed."
- [...for making place an active character, you can try:] "...marking your characters' growth (or decline) through their relationships to their various surroundings."
- "...go inside your characters and allow them a moment to discover their feelings about the place into which you have delivered them...[this] demands that you be writing in a strong point of view..."
- "As important in a story as a sense of place is a sense of time..."
- "Setting can also be social context. Social trends and political ideas influence our real actions and thinking..."
- "Your characters live in society, but in which strata? At what point is their social position most keenly felt? At what moment does it change?"
- "A setting cannot live unless it is observed in its pieces and particulars."
So, how's the writing project(s) coming along?