Something for your Friday Funny bone courtesy of my friend Betty from GodBlessTexas; a little thing we used to refer to as O.E. (Operator Error) with a twist~~~
I was having trouble with my computer, so I called Jaden, the nine-year-old from next door, whose bedroom looks like Mission Control, and asked him to come over.
Jaden clicked a couple of buttons and solved the problem. As he was walking away, I called after him, "Hey, what was wrong?"
"Just an 'ID ten T error," the lad replied.
I didn't want to appear stupid, but nonetheless inquired, "An, 'ID Ten T error'? What the heck is that, just in case I need to fix it again."
Jaden grinned. "You've never heard of an 'ID ten T error' before?"
"Write it down," he instructed, "and I think you'll figure it out."
So I scratched up pen and paper and wrote down: I D 1 0 T.
And to think I used to like that little **beep**!
Oh, that's hysterical! I had to look at it a while - that doesn't bode well for me, does it? :)
LOL, Lori, no it doesn't. :)
Too cute! Love it!
Children keep us humble, don't they? Thanks for sharing, Angie!
Where did you get the pic of me at my computer! LOL! Still giggling! If it wasn't for my son or husband helping with the tech stuff I'd be writing with pen and paper because my computer would have been subjected to the rear tires of my car! LOL!
Thanks for my morning laugh. :)
Isn't it amazing how savy the young kids are? lol Drop by when you can, Angie, I have an award waiting for you.
Jody, I can identify too. :)
They sure do, Stacy...every moment of the day sometimes.
Donna, that'd really be putting your "hard drive" to good use. hehe
You're welcome, Hilary.
Thanks, Marguerite, and yeah, they are born with techy knowledge! Will do.
Please don't pick on the technology-sense-deprived among us(me). We are trying to fit in but sometimes being a stick in the mud just fits.
LOL thank heavens for little boys:)
Oren, thank goodness we have youngsters to help us and point out our ID10T errors. LOL
Amen, Terri! :)
LOL! Been there...
Hahaha - too funny!
If I didn't think that could so easily happen to me, I would laugh.
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