I never think of this dish without remembering the tons of times I've yelled that famous LSU cheer in Tiger Stadium~
2 cups cornmeal (yellow)
1 1/2 teaspoons sea salt
1 1/2 cups water
3 Tbsp. canola oil
Mix together cornmeal and salt. Add water and stir until mixed well. Heat oil in a medium pan on medium high. Pour mixture into oil, and a crust will form. Then stir the mixture and lower heat to medium. Cook about 20 minutes, stirring now and then so it doesn't burn. Break up the larger clumps, leaving smaller ones alone. Spoon into bowls and add milk. Some people like it sweetened with cane syrup, fig preserves, jelly or sugar.

You know what really perks that dish up in my opinion? Cheese. And lots of it:)
I've never heard of it called anything but cous cous (pronounced coose). I never fail to learn something new around here. :)
So sorry to hear about the loss of your friend (a couple of posts down).
Hmm. Think I'll pass on this one. Not a cornmeal fan. ;-)
LOL It's a good thing I don't live by you. You'd hate me for hating the food you make. LOL
You taught me something new today, with a new food I've never tried. However you say it, it looks yummy!
LOL, yeah on the cheese, onions, bacon...
We do things a little differently here I guess, Hilary. Thanks for the kind thoughts.
Melissa, you're still my friend even if you don't like cornmeal.
LOL, Jessica. I'd love ya even if you don't have developed tastebuds. :)
Yay, Michelle. You're an honorary Cajun fo sho!
That reminds me of childhood. We call that "mamaliga" in Romanian.
I thought couscous was a special kind of wheat grain (semolina). That's what we have as couscous around my house.
That sounds like it might be pretty yummy. I think I'm gonna have to try it with some vegetables thrown in!
You know... I learn about all kinds of new foods from your blog Ang. ;)
Angie, I'm going to thank you for the award on this post also. I missed yesterday! I thank you and as soon as I can figure out how to copy onto mine, I will.
Like Polenta! Except I eat savory polenta and not sweet! :-)
Angie, I have a feeling your friends never turn down an invite to dinner!
I like cornmeal better wrapped around a slab of catfish or bass. Just my uneducated opinion.
See ya,
That's a new one to me!
You have been mentioned, over at my place. It is in connection with an award. That last may make you want to come over, or it may make you avoid me for a while. Up to you :-)
My Grandma Trahan called me "cous-cous" from the day I was born in 1938. (Unless I was bad and then I became "crotte.")She would make breakfast of cous-cous on a cold Beaumont morning and bring me coffee milk to the bed while it cooked. If I was good, she would let me get into her feather bed with the admonishment,"Don't you spill anything on my mattress." Thanks so much for the recipe.
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