So, what's on tap for your weekend, friends? Hope whatever it is, it's so good that you will cuss Monday morning's arrival. :)
Trot out the Drum Line and stand at attention...it's that time again, and I hope you enjoy another installment of...
Happy giggles at this end!
He was never the patient one. Nothing changes.
hahahah! I love it! Kids always speak the truth, darn it! LOL! Gotta love em!
Sometimes the talking never does end. I have felt the same way.
Hmmm - I wonder who "AUnt Noonie" was LAUGHING!!!!!!
Mornin' Angie! :)
Good day, cheerio & pip pip (and all those other wrong things us Yanks think you Brits say), Jinksy. :)
Oren, so true. So true. LOL
Mouth o' babes, Jenni/giddy.
LOL Debbie. Me too.
Kathryn, a friend of my mom's. (I just showed this to Mom on laptop and she laughed and laughed. Remembered our little luncheon out clear as a bell!) And mornin' to you. How's my big fat squirrel?
It's lovely when kids say what you might like to!
How cute! My daughter gets really impatient when she wants to tell me something and the "adults" are all talking too much. :-)
tee hee
That's cute, made even cuter with your drawings!
Suldawg, for real!
Poor babies, huh, Melissa. They just wanna be heard sometimes. :)
sometimes i wonder if people feel that way about me.
Lol, That is sooo funny!
Thanks for sharing, Angie!
Angie, may be away for a bit, my senoir dog is going down hill and I'm trying to take care of her, decide what to do.
Hehehe! I love these stories, especially how everything's labeled! SO funny! You should totally create a comic strip (you already have a title!)...
Doesn't every family have an Aunt Noonie?
We do.
Love your lunacy!
Somehow I think we all have an Aunt Noonie. Lovin' the blue "turtle" van. Great job once again Angie. Happy Weekend blogger bud.
Another delightful installment! Oh, to be an outspoken child. /Deb
Dance show this weekend, praying partner shows up b/c e's out of town, car broke down, having trouble getting a ride. Please heaven smile upon me.
Thanks, Bella.
bernthis, I doubt it. You're a writer and movie maker, so you know when to be quiet. :)
kimmi, so sorry to hear the news. Will keep you in prayer, and the dear doggie too. :(
L.C., think I could get it syndicated? LOL
Thank you, Jane. Yep, we all got a big Nonnie in our families. hehe
Ang, same to you, and thanks for the good words.
It would be nice to speak one's mind sometimes, no matter etiquette, Deb!
Oh, Colby, hope your partner makes it to the stage!!
I love it! Sometimes I wish we could get away with saying some of the things our kids do. :D LOL
Tooooooooooooo cute! You gotta miss this days..admit it, huh, huh, huh? I started a new job yesterday and when I picked C up from school he asked me how my day was. I said, "Extraordinary! AND you will never guess the name of my new boss." He said, "I don't know, what's his name?" I said, "Her." He said, "ALL THE NAMES IN THE WORLD AND HIS NAME IS HER!" LMAO...Have a beautiful weekend! We have snow and rain all weekend so we are staying in. Huggage, PW
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