Saturday, October 18, 2008

Spotlight On...Things that Make Ya Smile

I love to laugh, and when things aren't going marvelously well, there's nothing better than a comic strip, a funny picture, a funnybone-tickling blog post, or someone who knows how to make you laugh until your face hurts. *Waving to Kat for her "Monkey Dance!"*

So, today Gumbo Writer is shining the big kleig light on a few funnies for you to enjoy. Let me know your favorite!

We'll call Exhibit A "Me and Math":

I've labled B, "Dad Watches the Kids so Mom Can Take a Bath":

C is from a favorite blog, June Cleaver Nirvana: I dare you not to laugh when you read her illustrated story. Here's a taste--->

And, finally, D -- "Good Morning, Sunshine!":


Kathryn Magendie said...

haw!!! love the Math one!

I will go by June Cleaver's site and get my laugh! :-)

Terri Tiffany said...

I needed a good laugh to start my day today! had a disaster happen late yesterday that changed my world again!

Angie Ledbetter said...

Kat, email me and let me know what ya thought. ;)

I'm so sorry for your disaster! Will send up prayers and good thoughts.

Barb Davis said...

B. is soooo funny!! Thanks, I needed that!!!!!!!

colbymarshall said...

I've always loved that "find x" pic...because I hate algebra.

Janna Leadbetter said...

Great post! I do love the math one. :D

Texasholly said...

haha. Love the math...or lack thereof.

Thanks so much for the kind words and shout out. I rally appreciate it!

Carrie Wilson Link said...

Okay, the finding "x" one got me - LOL!

Angie Ledbetter said...

Barbara, glad you enjoyed.

Hear ya, Colby, Janna & Carrie. Not a fan of any kind of math!

Texas Holly, you're so welcome. I adore your blog!

Rachel Burton said...

That math one is hysterical! Thanks gor the giggles!

Angie Ledbetter said...

YW, Rachel. Thanks for stopping by.

Maria said...

I love this entry! Especially the here is x one because I it's so great when people can see the humorous side of math. Look forward to topping by more often! Maria

Angie Ledbetter said...

Since I'm so bad at Math, I like this kind too. (Poor teachers who have to teach & grade those tests!)Thanks for dropping in, Maria.

Melody Platz said...


If you love comics, let me know if you've heard of Will Write for Chocolate. The writer/illustrator of that comic strip always makes me laugh.

The address is

Melody Platz

Angie Ledbetter said...

Thank you, Melody! Going there now. I do love comics. ;)

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