Saturday, October 25, 2008

Spotlight On...Joanne's Whole Latte Life

In the bright spotlight of recognition this week is Joanne's really great blog full of calm and cool advice and ponderings on living the good life. Many of you who visit here also visit her place, so you can vouch for its coolness.

The blog mistress' state of the union address about her site reads, "As a writer, my current work of fiction focuses on knowing who we really are and staying true. While writing it, I began to notice how other, real people live their choice lives, and the goodness that follows. Here, I'll share thoughts on finding our own perfect blend of life."

Nice words from a nice lady. So when ya swing by her place for a good cuppa and a read, please give her a wave from me.


Kathryn Magendie said...

I'll swing on by there! :-)

Since we're a-waitin' on the thick mists to drift away across the mountains and the sun to burn away the last of it - then we'll go look at some more mountain views :)

Angie Ledbetter said...

Thanks, Kat. You'll enjoy that blog for sure.

It's so surreal being here in Kat's mountain paradise home, sitting downstairs watching the mists roll in, and knowing I'm just one floor below my friend instead of a million cyber miles away. *grin*

Janna Leadbetter said...

I concur! Joanne's is one of my favorite places to go. :)

Debbie said...

I love to meet new people so I'm headed over to say hi!

Angie Ledbetter said...

Janna, isn't it great to know you have good taste? :)

Debbie, you'll enjoy. And I'm so glad I've gotten to "meet" you. Happy Saturday to all!

Barb Davis said...

I'm one of her blog readers, too...she's a real sweetheart and wonderful writer.

Jenni James said...

Wow! That's an awesome blog! Thanks for sharing!

Melody Platz said...

And Joanne is working on a book! If her book is half as lovely as her blog, I am sure it will be a huge hit.

You gotta love Joanne. : )

Melody Platz

Angie Ledbetter said...

Yes indeed, Barbara & Melody. You're so welcome, Giddy. Hugs to all from this mountain of loveliness upon which I'm vacationing. :)

Alyssa Goodnight said...

I love a good blog recommendation! Thanks!

Angie Ledbetter said...

Me too, Alyssa. I think you'll really enjoy J's blog spot.

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